More about Marja

My name is Marja Godvliet and my way of doing business is being open, intuitive and playful. People tell me I radiate the energy of a 20something and talk like a wise witch. I live in the moment because I have a lousy memory. I am a Master Manifestor when it comes to connections and resources.

After a successful career as a buying manager in the fashion and interior design industry, I decided to pursue my passion for innovation and collaborative processes. My strong sense of purpose led me to kick-start communities for several social ventures. On the side I started the WE Club, to explore how I, being a woman in a masculine business world, could be and feel successful.

The WE Club functions as a living lab for conscious women in business, to explore and experiment how WE can bring all of ourselves to our work, with the aim to find success and balance in our work and life. 

Since, I have organised more than 50 gatherings,

created a tribe of 500+ Women Entrepreneurs,

and stream bi-weekly WE Rise interviews.

Having worked in corporates as well as in start-ups and non-profits, I noticed that most events offer a lot of content and inspiration. However, connection and transformation were not on the menu.

In my WE Club, I organised gathering in a radically new way, a 180 degree turn around from the existing model; I crowdsourced content and facilitated connections.

I use Radical Honesty and Art of Hosting techniques that are very uncommon in day or evening events.

Today we are facing problems that need other ways of working. We do not need more stuff. Instead, we need more compassion and care for ourselves, others and Mother Earth. 

I feel it is my calling to inspire women, and men, to use our feminine qualities in business. To see the bigger picture, to be more sensitive, show more compassion, to be humble and to work together. To bring the feminine and masculine in balance in all of us so we can benefit from all our strengths!

I can say that I have worked in both ends of the spectrum, and I know now that to achieve success, and have a balanced and fulfilling life, I need to work both traits! 

Why I started ‘Connect & Rise’ 

15 years long I was very successful in helping Fashion and Interior Design companies I worked for grow. I had dream jobs: I purchased goods in China, India and Turkey. Shopped for inspiration in London, Paris and New York: I worked and played hard. But the joy of a trip or an achieved target never lasted long. The thought: “Is this all there is”, always popped back in my mind. As I started to live more conscious and sustainable, the gab with my professional life grew bigger. 

I felt disconnected, numb and unfulfilled. Symptoms that occur when people burn out.   

After I quit my last job as a Buying Manager for Pols Potten in 2014 it slowly dawned on me that I, to achieve results, I  had brought only one part of me to work: my reason. To feel more connected and whole I needed to make room for the part of me that I had reserved for after work hours: my feelings. 

The past 3 years I have created a community of Women Entrepreneurs in which I experimented, learned and implemented ways to work with reason and feelings. To completely allow me to be authentic and honest at work has brought an incredible sense of alignment and purpose into my life. 

I know now, when I fully express ALL of me, I shine and am powerful beyond measure!

I hear a calling to contribute to restoring the balance in business. When people feel comfortable to express feelings as well as reason in their work, they will experience more joy and fulfilment in their life. Feelings are a feminine trait that, for far too long, has been left out of business.

I strongly believe that when people are authentic at work, they will make more sustainable companies and together we create a healthy planet Earth. 

My Projects

WE Club

Do business your OWN way.

I support women to build a strong network to attract business, naturally and joyfully!

Connect & Rise

Content is King, Connection is Queen!

Interviews, Icebreakers and Talks to create meaningful conversations and authentic connections.

Tomato Tuesdays

Co-working online.  Locally.

We are on a mission to connect passionate and creative people who work remotely so that they feel focused, supported and productive.